Life Happens, It’s Just The Matter Of How You’re Going To Let It Happen
Life happens, it’s just the matter of how you’re going to let it happen,
or will you?
Many of us live in a stagnant state of worry and fear. If you stop and take even the minimum time to observe,
you’ll spot on just so many What Ifs and just so many more “Will he”, “Will she”, “What will”s.
Whether these obnoxious questions and doubts are coming from you or from your environment,
just learn that you are in control of them.
Realize who is speaking: It’s not your brain as a whole.
Instead, it’s your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious is responsible to keep you at peace and forever in mental realm.
It intentionally keeps you thinking and acting in a manner consistent with what you have done and said in the past.
Thus, it means no harm, no trouble, no sadness.
Quite contrary, it wants your happiness which it thinks can only be guaranteed by keeping you in your comfort zone.
It acts with fear and intends to control you with worry.
But how will you truly explore and find inner peace and happiness if you never step out of your comfort zone?
If you keep abiding by your subconscious mind?
If you let it build walls in a continuously and drastically changing environment to keep out potential heartbreaks and disappointments,
won’t it also block out joy and growth?