Staying In Your Own Energy and Knowing Your Worth
There are energy vampires all around.
They will never be absent from your life no matter where you go.
They will be draining your energy and pulling you down to low frequencies.
But those low frequencies are where they belong: not where you belong.
Being there, in those frequencies, must feel foreign to you, unfamiliar and dark.
Take a second to cherish this feeling because it is a beautiful reminder to you that you deserve to be in higher frequencies,
with uplifting people, with positive energies all around.
Whether it be a triggering word, an offensive remark they throw at your way,
or even a profoundly attractive but toxic personality they have,
it’s easy to get caught up in the vicious traps of the energy vampires.
Indeed, for us beautiful sensitive souls, it can be painfully easy.
But know your worth.
Remember the upright and powerful stance you had before they nonchalantly walked in to your life.
Remember your powerful intention in keeping that stance,
and keep it.
Lift yourself up to where you belong for a long stay.