stranger stranger

Ask yourself who you are.

Who am I?

I know myself in terms of you.

How you make me feel goes to show what I like

What you make me think goes to show what I value

How you make me act goes to show what I desire

That “you” is everything and everyone you come in contact to.

As they give you a glimpse to what kind of person you are, they also shape you

You have a personality that even you are a stranger to,

You are only learning about it as you live and go along.

Don’t forget this, though,

As everything and everyone around you shape you,

Your personality always and always changes.

We are utterly plastic and bendable

We will never run out of things to explore about ourselves

So don’t label and limit your actions and feelings.

They are glimpses of your ever-changing personality

Let your feelings unravel,

Let your intuition lead you,

Let your mind wander to foreign places.

You can only learn more about the person you will never know completely.


slow 'n steady


Proving to Hating