Hostage To Emotions

This life is nothing but a temporary experience.

An experience that gains meaning as you embark on the adventures it has to offer.

But tell me,

do you embark on them with open arms or are you being held hostage by your emotions?

Do you talk yourself out of opportunities, fearing to feel the emotions you might feel

if it doesn’t go as planned?

Sadness, loss, pain, heartbreak…

Forget about them for a while.

Aren’t you the resilient person sitting here right now

all thanks to emotions like these?

There are no good or bad feelings.

There are just feelings that enhance growth in different ways.

And the only feelings that have power over you are the ones you are afraid to feel.

You feed them with your fear.

Don’t forget,

The happiness and abundance you are trying to find elsewhere is already in you.

Look within and you’ll find the joy,

the reason to wake up to a new day every single day.

Even if your growth is momentarily slow and painful

due to feelings like these,

realize that you have the power to control your emotions that once held you hostage.

So go on,

live unpromisingly to the fullest

and let the waves shape your shore.


Kiss Away Your Pride


Step Outside