Step Outside
You’ve been inside for too long today;
inside those concrete walls of your house,
Inside those concrete walls of your mind.
Step outside for a bit
Let nature surround you,
and capture the flow zone.
Fill your lungs with fresh oxygen, with life, with pure energy;
Step outside for a bit.
Have you taken off your shoes yet?
Get rid of ’em.
Feel the earth beneath you,
The tingling and the chill in your toes,
it’s the earth
that is ever so vibrant.
Step outside for a bit.
Look up to the earth
And look down to the earth
And only now,
Look within.
Feel the worry go away?
The anxiety, the stress,
Feel it all go away?
Feel it all go away.
Step outside for a bit;
Feel it all dissolve
into the nothingness above and below.
The nature welcomes you
all that’s left to do is to capture it, breath it in.
Visualize tree roots below your feet dispersing deep into the earth
You are grounded, you are here.
Your roots enlarging and going deeper as you grow.
You are grounded, you are here.
There’s no future, no past,
you are here
your roots will only grow
stronger and stronger
Just step outside for a bit.